
Vibe sea ghost 110 kayak angler package
Vibe sea ghost 110 kayak angler package

vibe sea ghost 110 kayak angler package

*Shipping will be billed separately based on delivery location. We suggest using the Bixpy motor on your Cubera with both the Power Pole adapter and Pole Steering Bracket. Take it a step further and easily motorize your Vibe Cubera 120 SUP with the Bixpy Outboard Kit.

vibe sea ghost 110 kayak angler package

The well-balanced hull provides unparalleled performance while the included rudder system saves your energy during long paddles, windy days, and strong currents. This kayak provides the best of speed and stability and maneuvers flat water, rivers and tight quarters with ease. It is a relatively lightweight and compact boat that can be. Adventure awaits with the Vibe Sea Ghost 110 angler kayak. Vibe Sea Ghost 110 & 130 Vibe Shearwater 125 Vibe Cubera 120 Crossover Vibe Skipjack 120 Tandem Vibe Yellowfin 130 Tandem Comparison Table: Vibe Kayaks 2023 Models WHY TRUST US: Here at, we spend more time on the water than we do in the office. It is 11 long, 33 wide, and weighs 62 lbs. Stand out and stand up, with the Vibe Cubera 120. Vibe Sea Ghost 110 is a sit-on-top fishing kayak. No other fishing kayak allows you to get so high above the waterline, nor gives you as much open deck customization, for unmatched casting precision and rigging opportunities. With the Cubera, you’ll notice Vibe’s signature superior balance and stability with every cast, crest, gust, and current. Compatible with the optional 4-position super-comfort Vibe Summit Seat and Base – and when paired with the optional Summit Perch it delivers you an additional 16 inches above the water, whether seated or standing. The Sea Ghost 130 and 110 each include a pre-installed toe-controlled rudder system which gets anglers to fish faster saving your energy during long paddles, windy days, and strong currents. Stand out and stand up, on the Vibe Cubera 120 a unique all-grip, no-slip, unsinkable fish-catching platform that outperforms and delivers unrivaled sight-fishing and access to either ultra-shallow shoreline waters or the deepest ocean spots.

Vibe sea ghost 110 kayak angler package